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The Director

Dr. Biao Li is an Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at Concordia University.  He joined Concordia in Aug. 2016. Previously, he obtained a B.Sc. and a MASc from China University of Geosciences Beijing, and latterly a Ph.D.  from the University of Calgary, Canada. His research expertise is in experimental and computational geomechanics, thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling, soil-structure interaction, and geophysics. He was selected as a future leader of the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) in 2021. He serves as the associate editors of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Environmental Geotechnics, and as the editorial board members of Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, and Deep Resources Engineering.


  • 2024-03-09 Dr. Li delivered an online lecture through the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) Future Leader webinar, titled: Thermo-poromechanics for geo-energy engineering
  • The online version can be found in
  • 2018-12-01: Student Mr. Sohail Akhtar completed his Master program and will continue to be my PhD student. Congrats, Sohail!
  • 2018-07-05: Student Mr. Sohail Akhtar was awarded the Port of Montreal Award in Transportation Studies for his excellence in the course and research work. Congrats, Sohail!
  •  2017-05-17: Dr. Li was awarded the KSRM scholarship Award during the 2017 YSRM Young scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics



Flow in dense clay and soft mudrock (Li et al. 2018)

Thermally induced tensile fracturing of shale 

(Li and Wong 2018)

Flow in fractures (Li et al. 2014)


Structural state of soft mudrocks (Li and Wong 2016)

plastic zone_3D_crosssection.png

Thermal-hydro-mechanical analysis of wellbore responses under thermal recovery (Li et al. 2018)


Ground source heat pumps for maintaining thawing permafrost

Simulated by our in house developed poro-mechanical FEM code  

Ilustration of the problem-Shallow geothermal part.png

Borehole geothermal energy storage (BTES) in cold regions, Simulated using in-house developed THM coupled FEM code

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Specially designed Lab tests at low and high temperature conditions 

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